Et Bim dans ton HTTPS iranien !

Et Bim dans ton HTTPS iranien !
Iran Shuts Down Major Websites and Https Protocol

I'm writing this to report the serious troubles we have regarding accessing Internet in Iran at the moment. Since Thursday Iranian government has shutted down the https protocol which has caused almost all google services (gmail, and itself) to become inaccessible. Almost all websites that reply on Google APIs (like wolfram alpha) won't work. Accessing to any website that replies on https (just imaging how many websites use this protocol, from Arch Wiki to bank websites). Also accessing many proxies is also impossible. There are almost no official reports on this and with many websites and my email accounts restricted I can just confirm this based on my own and friends experience. I have just found one report here:

The reason for this horrible shutdown is that the Iranian regime celebrates 1979 Islamic revolution tomorrow.

I just wanted to let you guys know about this. If you have any solution regarding bypassing this restriction please help!

(l'info date de 4 heures …)

Source :

Base on reports received from Iran , governments has blocked access to the major sites plus websites using certain “Https” protocol . At the same time nobody can even use banking websites in Iran beca…
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